National Garlic Day 2023 – How to Celebrate It?

National Garlic Day 2023 – How to Celebrate It?

National Garlic Day is a day to celebrate one of the world’s most beloved and versatile ingredients – garlic. It has been used for hundreds of years for both medicinal and culinary uses, and it is a mainstay of many different cuisines. Garlic is known for its health benefits, including its ability to boost the…

National Bicarbonate of Soda Day – 30th December 2023

National Bicarbonate of Soda Day – 30th December 2023

Bicarbonate of Soda, a cost-efficient investment, is high in antacid properties and is an excellent alkalizing agent.  You most likely keep a bottle in your refrigerator and pull it out whenever you have to bake some muffins or cake. You may take it just when your stomach aches or use it to wash your clothes. …

National Absurdity Day 2023 – November 20, 2023

National Absurdity Day 2023 – November 20, 2023

Have you ever had a thought and then immediately changed your mind because you thought it was strange and violated society’s rules and norms? Or have you ever looked at a stranger wearing a funny costume in the middle of the street and thought, “This is weird but fun!” On November 20th, Americans observe National…

National Cheese Day 2023 – History, Benefits, & More

You can’t make everyone happy; you’re not cheese. But you can make yourself happy by celebrating National Cheese Day. Whether you are a cheese lover or not, this event is the best excuse to enjoy some cheese and have fun. Want to know more about this day? Stay tuned, then! When is the National Day…

World Theatre Day 2023 – Facts, Messages, History, & More

World Theatre Day 2023 – Facts, Messages, History, & More

Theatre has a long history as an artistic medium. The 16th century saw the revival of Greek and Roman theatre traditions and folklore studies. There was a spectacle on festival courts indoors. A big, irregularly shaped open-air amphitheater used by a group of actors forms the conventional theatre. They present an individual story to an…

National Wisconsin Day – 15th February 2023

National Wisconsin Day – 15th February 2023

Although Wisconsin has extremely cold winters, it is a great place to live because of its affordable living standards and low crime rate. Known as “America’s Dairyland,” the state is famous and the leading dairy producer. Maybe this is why ice cream is very cheap and tastes flavorful in this state. Not only ice cream…